Thursday, May 14, 2020

Ethical Dilemas - 1230 Words

Ethical Dilemmas Choose only one of the ethical dilemmas below to address in your essay. The questions at the end of each dilemma are intended for you to reflect on. For your paper you must organize your writing using the sections and underlined titles listed on the assignment page. Do not copy the case study into your essay. 1. Pornography Joe secretly enjoys pornography. He gets a great deal of gratification out of viewing Internet pornography and masturbating, though he always acts behind closed doors and believes that his actions have no effect on others. He justifies his behavior by saying, ‘Who am I harming?’ Then he discovers a statistic on the Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking website†¦show more content†¦How should Tina respond to the university leadership, if at all? What changes should Tina make to her chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, if any? 4. Abortion After trying for many years, Susan finally gets pregnant. Unfortunately, a blood test confirms that her baby has Down syndrome, and her doctors suggest she abort the fetus. Susan has a successful career and wants to maintain a healthy balance between her career and family. Yet she feels very uncomfortable with abortion. She seeks some advice from Richard, an influential professor of evolutionary biology who has spent his career seeking to further human potential and minimize human suffering. When Susan asks Richard if she should abort the fetus or give birth to a baby with Down syndrome, Richard replied that human beings should increase happiness and decrease suffering in this world, and that therefore he would suggest that she abort, though he also stated that she must make this choice for herself. Richard emphasized the lifelong suffering of both the child with Down syndrome and Susan as the child’s caretaker and stated that it may be immoral to bring a baby into the world i f she knew the kind of suffering the child would experience. In fact, Richard suggested that perhaps the most ethical course of action would be to prevent this baby from living a life full of suffering. (This scenario is based on theShow MoreRelatedEthical Dilema2954 Words   |  12 Pagesthrough the analysis of a clinical case study using the principles of biomedical ethics approach. Application of the principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice will be dissected in order to attempt to establish resolution of the ethical dilemma. The main conflict in this case study deals with whether the wishes of an adolescent for end-of-life care should be followed or should the desire of his parents outweigh this request. In terminal cancer, the hope of early palliative care andRead MoreEthical Business Dilema911 Words   |  4 PagesEthical Dilemma Analysis through the 8 questions model by Arthur Dobrin Case 1 – Rental Applicant 1. 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